Shanklin United Reformed Church

High Street, Shanklin, Isle of Wight. PO37 6LA
Registered Charity No. 1130459

A member of the Evangelical Alliance

For details of URC churches on the Island visit



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How 2 Find Us

The Building

The only regular activities currently taking place in the church building are:


Sundays - Morning Services @ 10:30
Holy Communion on 1st Sunday of the month
All Age 'Café Style' Worship usually on last Sunday of the month

Tuesdays - Bible Bite Meetings @ 14:00

Refreshments and fellowship from 13:30


Mondays - Community Pantry @ 10:30-12:00

See Other Activities page for more details

Wednesdays - Living Well Together @ 11:00-13:00

A chance to meet up and have a chat over a drink and a biscuit (or a piece of cake!!)

Fridays - CatURpillars Toddler Group @ 10:00


For details of any one off activities, please see our SURC Events page

Our Sunday services and Tuesday Bible Bite meetings
are broadcast live on YouTube
- technology permitting

Should you have missed seeing a recent Sunday service or a Tuesday talk live, or want to listen again,
go to our YouTube page using the link above

The Exterior

LEFT: An external view of the church, looking up the High Street

The present building is the third to have been built on this site and was opened in 1883.  The land was acquired and the first chapel erected in 1841 on the edge of the old village, but the church is now right at the heart of the town.  The clock tower was damaged in the Second World War but was rebuilt and completed in 1954.

Visitors frequently comment that the church has a warm and welcoming feel to it.

The facilities were ageing and this fine 19th Century building has been brought into the 21st Century; making it more accessible, flexible and usable.



Clock Tower

After four years of being silent, the town clock was refurbished after a three month project, which started in April 2018 and was completed by the end of July 2018, and included tower stonework repairs and a new roof.

Electronics now control the clock and chimes, while the clock faces and hands were overhauled with new acrylic faces and lighting fitted.

We are grateful for the support of Shanklin Town Council in seeing that the clock was given a new lease of life.

History Of The Church

You can read two items about the history.

The Interior (as is)

This is what the church building currently looks like inside

The Interior (as was)

LEFT: An old view of the inside of the church, from the gallery. This was changed slightly in 2007 as the pulpit was removed and the stage extended.

Compare this with the view below showing the extended stage area.

BELOW: Two more views of the inside of the church (pre Covid), from the ground floor.

The church looks even better with people inside! (see below - pre Covid)

LEFT: A view of the church ceiling
LEFT: A view of the platform (installed in August 2007)

This has changed slightly with the installation of secondary double glazing

The 2010 Christmas nativity display that was inside the area where the church organ used to be
(before it was converted to a storage area)

The 2019 Christmas platform panels display

Page Last Updated 27 February 2025

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