Shanklin United Reformed Church

High Street, Shanklin, Isle of Wight. PO37 6LA
Registered Charity No. 1130459

A member of the Evangelical Alliance

For details of URC churches on the Island visit



SURC Events
Sermons on-line
Minister's Message
Church Magazine
Other Activities
Youth Activities
Support 4 Others
Churches Together
How 2 Find Us

Other Church Activities

The only regular activities currently taking place in the church building are:


(see 'Live @ SURC' below)

Sundays - Morning Services @ 10:30
Holy Communion on 1st Sunday of the month
All Age 'Café Style' Worship usually on last Sunday of the month

Tuesdays - Bible Bite Meetings @ 14:00

Refreshments and fellowship from 13:30


Mondays - Community Pantry @ 10:30-12:00

See below for more details

Wednesdays - Living Well Together @ 11:00-13:00

A chance to meet up and have a chat over a drink and a biscuit (or a piece of cake!!)

Fridays - CatURpillars Toddler Group @ 10:00

term times only


For details of any one off activities, please see our SURC Events page

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our church secretary
Robin Wightman



Tuesday Prayer

This is held every Tuesday at 19:30 using the church's Zoom facility


Prayer Ministry Team

Our team is on hand every Sunday to pray with people after the morning service. Please come up when folk are free, or if you would rather stay in your seat we could come and pray with you there.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philemon 4:6-7

Living Well Together (also known as 'The Well')


A safe place for friendship, support and refreshing – here at Shanklin URC

Wednesdays 11:00 – 13:00

Free refreshments and craft activities

Just drop in at any point

Community Pantry

‘Pop-Up’ Community Food Pantry in Shanklin 

What is it?

Aspire Ryde and the Living Well and Early Help Service currently run around 9 such pantries across the Island (some are pop-up and some permanent) and are currently trialling a pop-up in the church.

Elders have given approval to this, and we have agreed to ‘host’ them on Monday mornings ~ these will begin on 27th January and will run weekly. We have agreed to open the church from 10:00 on Mondays … Abi & Charity (the pantry team) will park on the frontage and then set up ‘crates’ of non-perishable food and other household items on our tables inside the church.

All local residents and those from the surrounding areas may use the facility that will be open to clients between 10:30 and 12:00.

How it works

Folks who wish to use the pantry have to register (no fee) and may use one of the Island pantries once a week where, for a fee of £5, they get “15 points” to spend (roughly equivalent to £15) on whatever they choose (donated items are also available free of charge).

The scheme itself is funded by the HM Government Household Support fund which provides an additional £10 towards the individual cost for each person using the pantry.

Live @ SURC

Live @ SURC

All our Sunday services (10:30) and Tuesday Bible Bite meetings (14:00)
are broadcast live on YouTube
- technology permitting

Should you have missed seeing a recent Sunday service or a Tuesday talk live,
or want to listen again, go to our YouTube page using the link above

Please note, we do not produce CDs or podcasts of our services

Page Last Updated 27 February 2025

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