Shanklin United Reformed Church

High Street, Shanklin, Isle of Wight. PO37 6LA
Registered Charity No. 1130459

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The Minister's Monthly Message

The View From Number 10 (Dracaena Gardens, Shanklin that is!! J)

The government will be on his shoulders

August is a month when the sun often disappears as the kids are off school, but this year I think we are still due some proper summer weather. The Island is busy and buzzing and we must now remember not to go through Lake traffic lights in the late afternoon when all the holidaymakers are heading back to base!

It’s also a fresh season as we have two new MPs! We must pray for our new members of Parliament; do remember that a few of our number live in the West constituency.  Paul says to Timothy that we must pray for those in authority: “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” (1 Timothy 2:1-2).

We may often be quick to point the finger when we feel things are not right, but how much do we get behind our nation’s leaders in heartfelt prayer? As I thought about this subject, I was reminded of those beautiful words from Isaiah 9 that we hear read at Christmas about the coming of God’s anointed:

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given,
    and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God,
    Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end.”

May our new Government be upheld upon his strong shoulders. How much we need such firm foundations to be re-established in our modern world. Our society had been largely built upon Christian principles, but much has been watered down and eroded in my lifetime.  We must pray and take an active interest in all that is going on locally, nationally and beyond. Significant things have been happening in France and we watch with interest, and some incredulity, the developments across the pond!

I was encouraged to read a post by Andy Flanagan, Executive Director of Christians in Politics (and a co-author of the recent new hymn We seek your Kingdom) after the election – he said: 26 of those entering the House of Commons for the first time today are Jesus-followers... and probably more that I don't know.”

This is very positive news. Do please hold these sisters and brothers in your prayers. In recent times, some like Tim Farron (Lib Dem) and Kate Forbes (SNP) have taken a bashing for holding to their Christian perspective. May God’s people stand strong in the corridors of power and have a positive influence in the way things shape up in the coming years.

It has been good to be praying for local business as folk from several The Bay churches have spoken blessings over some 80 establishments right along the seafront from Yaverland to the Fisherman’s Cottage - and dropped in to tell them. We also had Free the Wight in May and our midsummer prayer walk which was a wonderful time of intercession for our community. Do join us for a Prayer Breakfast on 17th August - and with folk from Bay churches who will join us for a bring-and-share tea at 17:00 on 1st September to prayerfully consider our united work and witness.

Let’s be fully engaged in the culture around us and be good news people in what can often be a bad news world. Prayer must be the starting point, but it often leads to God’s direction for us to get directly involved in action. Be careful what you pray!

Janet joins me in thanking you for your ongoing love and support,

With very best wishes,

Page Last Updated 25 July 2024

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