positive growth mindset
Yvonne, Alan and I have just attended the last of the three Saturday
training days in Salisbury exploring Leading your Church into Growth
- I wrote about this really useful resource last month.
One question we were asked was - “on scale of 1 to 10, how strong is
your desire to see your church to grow?” Of course, one wants to put
down 10, but then that challenges you to think about how much you are
committed to trying to make that actually happen!
We do need to be reminded that “the
church exists primarily for the benefit of those who are not its
- as former Archbishop William Temple once famously said. Mission must
be our priority - not just so we survive as a local congregation, but so
that more people come to experience the saving love of God in Christ and
that the world becomes a better place, shaped more by God’s design!
It’s not just about numbers of course - there needs to be proper
consideration of how people might also grow deeper in spiritual
commitment and in service - as the LYCIG prayer puts it (see below)
This month we have a great opportunity to invite people along to
taste something of the Good News. Our Encounter Café Service
falls on Mothering Sunday this year on 30th March.
This is one of the times in the year when people can be more open to
an invitation. Our focus will be around being part of God’s family
and I wanting to get across how Jesus has opened the way for us all
to come to know God and be welcomed into his household.
be praying about who you might invite along. We’ll soon have
invitation cards ready to pass around the community. Experience
shows that the more invitations one makes, the more people one is
likely to see at special events and services like this. Dare we be
courageous and take the odd risk? It’s not about “bums on seats” but
of caring that our friends and neighbours come to encounter our
wonderful Lord and Saviour
LYCIG is not a programme; there is no formula for growth, but we all
have to play our part. As the apostle Paul reminds us: “I
planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow.”
(1 Cor 3:6). We must constantly look to him for guidance and direction
and for his Spirit to be at work in people’s lives, but also seek to be
outward-looking and believing for things we do in his name to bear
fruit. Those who expect nothing are usually rewarded with just that!
With all good wishes for a year of growth and development. Bring it on
Lord! - and inspire us to reach out more and more.

God of Mission
Who alone brings growth to your Church,
Send your Holy Spirit to give
Vision to our planning,
Wisdom to our actions,
And power to our witness.
Help our church to grow in numbers,
In spiritual commitment to you,
And in service to our local community,
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.