The URC Wessex Synod has generously sponsored three Saturday events for
local congregations to explore the resource - Leading your Church
into Growth (LYCIG for short!). This is because they want churches
to think actively about strategies for growth rather than simply
managing decline!
This has been developed over a number of years in Anglican circles but
one of my GEAR friends in Yorkshire has been pioneering it among URC
congregations, mainly in the north. This has received much support and
Rev Ashley Evans has recently led a dedicated URC residential gathering
and has adapted the manual to better suit our context (removing parish
language, etc).
This thought-provoking programme is in seven sections
· Creating a Prayerful Culture of Growth
Implementing the 4Ps - prayer, presence, proclamation and
persuasion (this needs explaining!)
Practising Fruitful Evangelism
Developing Engaging Worship
Becoming an Inviting and Welcoming Church
Make a Pathway for Seekers to become Disciples
Begin a Planned Journey of Growth
About 40 people, comprised of small groups from a number of
congregations in our synod, packed into a hotel conference room in
Salisbury led by two facilitators from up country. Yvonne and Ann F came
with me to the first day in September and Alan joined myself and Yvonne
for the second one in late November. We all got a lot from these
sessions - spending time together working through some of the material
and questions and chatting on the journeys. It was also good to connect
with others from around the wider area.
The last of the three Saturdays is coming up on 8th February.
Do pray for us as we travel over again and look at the last few topics.
It has been good to recognise the things that we do quite well, while
taking seriously the challenge of seeing how we can do better in some
areas. The prayer below, which I have introduced in both Island
congregations, is an intentional way of embracing the mindset of
positivity. It all depends on God, so we should always remember that we
must seek the Lord who alone is the one who makes things grow (1
Corinthians 3:7).
As the series ends, we must pray about how we might use some of the
ideas in this great material to help us move forward in this new year of
opportunity. Do begin by praying the prayer regularly.
With all good wishes for a year of growth and development,
God of Mission
Who alone brings growth to your Church,
Send your Holy Spirit to give
Vision to our planning,
Wisdom to our actions,
And power to our witness.
Help our church to grow in numbers,
In spiritual commitment to you,
And in service to our local community,
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.